quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

World's most reputable companies

Impressionantes as posições da Petrobras e da Sadia!

(sobretudo da Petrobras, numa época tão ecologicamente correta...)

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Most-respected businesses

Good company
May 6th 2009
From Economist.com

Which companies have the best reputations around the world?

FERRERO, an Italian chocolate-maker, has come out top in an annual survey of the world's most reputable companies. Based on perceptions of the companies in their home markets, the Reputation Institute, a research firm, has asked the public to rate the world's 600 largest firms according to trust, admiration and respect, good feeling and overall esteem. Despite the economic turmoil, respect for business is still generally quite high. But some sectors have suffered. Banks and other financial institutions, which commanded reasonable repect in years gone by, have slipped alarmingly, though they still do better than tobacco companies.

Photo by Tarek Moustafa
Photo by Tarek Moustafa

URL: http://www.economist.com/daily/news/displaystory.cfm?story_id=13569055

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