quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2010


Why even try to top Glenn Greenwald’s comments on the matter?

"As usual, for authoritarian minds, those who expose secrets are far more hated than those in power who commit heinous acts using secrecy as their principal weapon."

"First we have the group demanding that Julian Assange be murdered without any charges, trial or due process. [...] These are usually the same people, of course, who brand themselves 'pro-life' and Crusaders for the Sanctity of Human Life and/or who deride Islamic extremists for their disregard for human life."

"Then, with some exceptions, we have the group which — so very revealingly — is the angriest and most offended about the WikiLeaks disclosures: the American media, Our Watchdogs over the Powerful and Crusaders for Transparency. [...] It's one thing for the Government to shield its conduct from public disclosure, but it's another thing entirely for the U.S. media to be active participants in that concealment effort."

"Then we have the Good Citizens who are furious that WikiLeaks has shown them what their Government is doing and, conversely, prevented the Government from keeping things from them. [...] [From Digby's Hullabaloo:] 'My personal feeling is that any allegedly democratic government that is so hubristic that it will lie blatantly to the entire world in order to invade a country it has long wanted to invade probably needs a self-correcting mechanism. There are times when it's necessary that the powerful be shown that there are checks on its behavior, particularly when the systems normally designed to do that are breaking down.'"

"The central goal of WikiLeaks is to prevent the world's most powerful factions — including the sprawling, imperial U.S. Government — from continuing to operate in the dark and without restraints.  Most of the institutions which are supposed to perform that function — beginning with the U.S. Congress and the American media — not only fail to do so, but are active participants in maintaining the veil of secrecy.  WikiLeaks, whatever its flaws, is one of the very few entities shining a vitally needed light on all of this.  It's hardly surprising, then, that those factions — and their hordes of spokespeople, followers and enablers — see WikiLeaks as a force for evil.  That's evidence of how much good they are doing."

(via Salon.com)

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